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Резултати претраге

Број резултата: 14


Нека никада не забораве

Кад прођу ови тешки дани,
Кад сване слободна Босна,
Нека муслимани заувек памте,
Нека никада не забораве.
Ко је желео да их нема, униште, спале и закољу?
Ко је осмехом убио своје ћерке и синове?
Чије су хорде створиле безброј тешких рана на њиховим срцима?
Чије су руке убиле хиљаде муслимана?
Сви ужаси ових тешких дана,
У спомен нека оду,
И потоци муслиманске крви,
Нека никада не забораве.
Зато ће доћи за бољим данима,
Нека опомена остане,
Да подсетим нове муслимане,
И то никада не заборављају.

They gave their lives for Bosnia

The earth was burning like in hell!
Heroes were defending Bihac!
In a moment, a deadly arrow,
Has taken away a young life.
Do not grieve son, be proud!
your father has fallen for freedom,
For Bosnia he gave his life!
He was sent off by both mother and father,
They waved to him from the house doorstep.
In the soul, there is a prayer for their son,
In their heart, there is Bosnia the Homeland.
My loved ones, do not grieve for your son.
I defended my people, that is my destiny!
The streets of Vakuf are empty.
Darkness has fallen, a storm is coming!
A bolt of lightning from the clouds tears the sky,
The wind as a hero speaks out.
Do not cry, my dearest, be proud!
Even if I had a hundred lives, I would give them all for Bosnia!